Emily's favorite quotes

"If one man or woman is willing to obey God, it can change the destiny of millions."— D.C. Talk

Sunday, February 23, 2020

A Fun Winter Day

     As far as February in Wisconsin goes, today was a beautiful day! Nearly 50 degrees out. Matthew and I started out the day by going to Church. Actually, he went to church but I skipped today to study in a coffee shop next door. I have four nursing school exams in the next two weeks.
     After church Matthew and I grabbed a quick lunch at Subway, and then headed over to Olbrich Botanical Gardens in Madison. We met up with some friends there and went into the conservatory, which had an orchid show going on. It's around 80 degrees in the conservatory and felt so good! After that we went out to the outdoor area and walked the paths to the Thai temple (which I forgot to take any pictures of). It felt wonderful outside, although we had to watch our step for puddles due to the melting snow! Then we went back inside the building to view an art and craft show. There were lots of booths selling various things.
     Now we're back at home, mostly relaxing. We had some overripe bananas so I made some banana bread. It's currently in the oven and smells great in here!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Five Years?!

Apparently it's been five years since I wrote a blog post here! I had forgotten that I had started to switch my blog to Wordpress. I remember why I started the switch and I hadn't really wanted to do it but felt like I needed to in order to work around a weird issue, but I think it's irrelevant now and I will stick with this one.

I stumbled across my old blog because I was trying to find some old information and saw emails with the blog name! So I came on here and read through some of my old posts, and it was really fun to do. I love the little memories that are nothing special so you forget about them, but reading about them again is fun. So I think I should try to post a little bit more, even if it's just for me to look back on later! However, I think I may need to rename the blog (I'm not actually going to do it because it's still a cool name) since "Cacoethes Scribendi" basically means an insatiable desire to write! Clearly that is not the case since I've gone five years without posting, and I think it had been two years before that!

I have nothing super interesting to write about right now. I'm actually currently sitting at the library, getting ready to study for an exam on Friday.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

New Blog...

I realized I have a few people who were signed up to receive an email when I post here. I don't believe I can transfer your subscription to my new blog, but you can go to it and check the side. There's an area where you can submit your email address to continue getting it emailed to you!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Making a Switch

So I'm making a switch, I'm going to try blogging on Wordpress.
Here's the link :https://thisblogiseasytoremember.wordpress.com/
I'm still working on setting it up.

A Funny Moment

I'll share a funny moment from work the other day.
I work at Menards, from 5-11 AM Monday through Friday. It isn't a fabulous job, it gets boring, but I make better money than I made when I was a keyholder and the freight coordinator at Joanns...And Joanns is a whole other post for later!
But anyway, there was some cat food that didn't fit on the shelf, so I needed to put it up high as an overstock item. So I got a ladder and carried it up, and somehow ended up hitting myself in the face with the cat food and knocking my glasses askew.
I got it up there finally, and then went to tell Beth, a wonderful lady I work with, the story.
I told her and she started laughing, and she has a very contagious and loud laugh, so a customer came around the corner and turned to me and said "Well I didn't hear the story!"
I laughed, and said: "Well, I hit myself in the face with a bag of cat food".
The customer: "Why would you do that? All out of dog food?"
We all laughed at that, and then Beth turned back to me and asked if I'd looked around to see if anyone had seen me. I replied that I had and I didn't see anyone. I told Beth and the customer "You're the only two who know, so as long as you don't tell anyone I'm good!"
The customer laughed at me and said "Well...I suppose I can be bribed." He then asked me how long until I got off work, and I told him about 40 minutes. He replied, "well, I'd avoid the brick aisle for the next 40 minutes if you're having a klutzy day!"
I find that often times in retail, I have more cranky customers than nice ones, so I really appreciate when I come across someone who has fun and jokes around with you.

A New Start?

So I thought about this blog the other day, and it's been on my mind since. I was happy today to see that I could still access it... It looks like I haven't written in nearly two years.
So I got to thinking maybe I should start writing again.
I'll have a lot of revamping to do. I think I'll have some quotes to add and some to remove from the changing quotes on the top of the page. And I'll have to take out some of my "favorite" songs and add my new favorites to the side bar. But maybe I should do it.
I can't believe this blog has been around for five years.
I don't know that I necessarily have anything particularly interesting to write, but maybe I'll amuse myself at least.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


So, I have several people on my Facebook friend's list that I don't really care for.
Some of them have recently been deleted, but some are unfortunately kept because of some sort of obligation. There's a few though, that I keep on simply to watch them make idiots of themselves so I can have something to laugh at. 

How sweet of me. But I fully admit, and I bet if a lot of you thought about it you have some of those too.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


So, my mom and I went to Petco a couple weeks ago. March 6th, to be precise. We went to get dog treats, but I went to look at the parakeets. The littlest one there looked at me, and it looked at me in such a sweet way. I absolutely fell in love with it. I just couldn't bear the thought of not having this parakeet! I was convinced he's destined to be my best friend. I asked my mom if she thought it would  be a horrible idea to randomly buy a parakeet. She said "well, yes and no..."
So, I randomly came home with a parakeet. It's not as awful as an idea as it sounds like, because my parents use to rescue needy birds and and get them healthy, then rehome them.
So, my little birdie is named Oliver. He's absolutely adorable. He's very young, we think he was about 5-6 weeks when I bought him. I know Petco isn't the best place to get a bird, but I just fell in love with him. He's doing very well. He's not as convinced as I am that we're destined to be best friends, but he's slowly becoming my friend.

I really should update more.

I decided that I really should update my blog more often. I have some pretty amusing posts. Well, at least to me. I guess I'm pretty good at amusing myself.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I never post...

Clearly I'm a boring individual.